Monday, March 17, 2008

Bmore's Brawl KO Leaderboard Update

The Bmore's Brawl KO Leaderboard has been updated to include results though Brawl #9.

Note: The KO Board is about 95% accurate. I've missed a couple of KOs along the way, but Full Tilt should be sending me a report on all of the KOs since we started, and once I receive it, I'll make any corrections. Please refrain from telling me any errors now. Once I get the reports from FTP, I'll post an update, and if at that point you have a question, let me know and I can forward the reports to you for review.

roccav continues to hold top spot on the KO board, but there are a lot of Brawlers that could take the lead with one good tourney...

See you Wednesday!

Damn Donkeys,


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