Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Brawl is private no more

The official post...

After a good solid run of nine months, the Bmore's Brawl (as a private tourney) will cease to exist.

Starting next week, I will open the tourney up to the public.

This is good for the Brawl. It served it's initial purpose. I wanted to have a tourney in which all the old school grinders could meet up each week and take flops with each other if they wanted to. I think we had some great tourneys and it was a blast.

However, participation is down, and I need to open this up to the public to keep it going.

Everything else will remain the same. And who knows, the public may never get interested in the Brawl. I've got to give it a shot though, as I like hosting the tourney every week.

The next Brawl will be:

Wednesday, October 8th @ 9:00pm EST
Full Tilt Poker, password = omrounders

See you there..

Damn Donkeys,


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