Wednesday, August 27, 2008

New FTP Guest Pro Profile

I've finally gotten around to adding the Brad Booth profile to the blog. On the left, there is a link to click to get to the profile. This catches the profiles up with the exception of Chris Klecz, which hopefully I will get to tonight. Getting these profiles up finally reminded me of how much fun it was to have these guys (and girls) stopping in to take some flops with us at a private tourney.

To be honest, I've been avoiding the email reminders for a couple of reasons. Mostly, it makes the administrative stuff much easier when I'm running a one-table tourney. However, recently, we've been playing live on Wednesdays and it's definitely had an impact on the attendance of the Brawl.

There's a part of me that likes the small tourneys, but part of me wants to build it back up again to thirty participants so I can get a couple more pros coming through. I'm not sure what direction I'm going to go, but I do know that FTP added a lot more red pros after this last WSOP so there are a ton more options of pros to invite. We'll see...

Damn Donkeys,


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